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Travel Policy

This document outlines the expectations and basic requirements for State Travelers.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
6015.2 Procurement Services


  • 4.0 Policy
    4.1 Travel must be for State Business and authorized in advance of the travel.

    4.2 The College reserves the right to restrict travel to locations for any reason, including but not limited to, travel bans, concerns about the safety of the destination, or limited funds.

    4.3 Travelers should use the most efficient and cost effective method of transportation available, including carpooling when multiple people are traveling for the same purpose.

    4.4 The College will only reimburse actual, necessary, and reasonable business expenses incurred when an employee is in official Travel Status.

    4.5 Where feasible, Travelers should utilize a Travel Card to pay travel expenses (e.g. transportation, lodging, miscellaneous / incidental expenses).

    4.6 Travelers are responsible for obtaining and providing receipts necessary to justify travel expenses with the Travel Voucher.

    4.7 All Travelers driving vehicles must comply with the expectations outlined in the College’s Fleet Management Policy, including but not limited to receiving the New York State License Event Notification Systems (LENS) Clearance prior to departure, obeying all applicable traffic and vehicle laws while in use, and timely reporting of accidents.

    4.8 Travelers must comply with all applicable Office of the State Comptroller (“OSC”) rules and regulations (see Appendix) for travel, including those rules governing reimbursement of expenses.

    4.9 Failure to comply with this document may result in non-reimbursement of costs, the Traveler having to reimburse the College for unauthorized expenses, restriction or suspension of travel privileges, or discipline in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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