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Crime Alert & Safety Alert Procedure Policy

Establishes and describes the campus' formal written guidelines pertaining to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Statistics Act of 1998, “Timely Warning” and Emergency Notification.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
8011.1 University Police


  • 4.0 Policy

    It is the policy of SUNY Plattsburgh and the University Police Department to alert the campus community to certain crimes and safety/security issues occurring on campus, or in the immediate vicinity of the campus. Generally, this area will include the streets adjacent and/or adjoining campus property. However, nothing in this policy is intended to prevent notifications about incidents occurring outside of this area when they are likely to have a significant impact on members of the college community.

    Alerts are required for all incidents that constitute Clery Act Crimes and are considered to represent a serious or continuing threat to the campus community. These crimes include:

    • Murder and Non- Negligent Manslaughter,
    • Sex Offenses,
    • Robbery,
    • Aggravated Assault,
    • Burglary,
    • Motor Vehicle Theft,
    • Arson, and
    • Hate Crimes.

    Alerts may also be issued for:

    • Crimes other than “Clery Act” crimes that pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus community (e.g. kidnapping)
    • Non-criminal emergencies that pose a significant or continuing threat to the campus community or a segment of the campus community (e.g. weather related emergencies, maintenance issues, environmental health and safety issues, etc.)

    Emergency Notifications are required for all significant emergency or dangerous situations that pose an immediate threat to health or safety of some or all of the members of our campus community (e.g. an armed intruder is present in a campus building, several random arsons have occurred in a single night in occupied areas on campus, etc.).

    Emergency Notifications may be labeled Crime Alert, Safety Alert or Emergency Notification.

    Faculty or staff who learn of information which may warrant the issuance of a “Crime Alert” , “Safety Alert” or Emergency Notification should notify University Police as soon as possible.   

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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