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Explore Our Programs

Each one of SUNY Plattsburgh’s 70+ programs comes with a promise — you will be given the tools to go farther. Leading professors, experiential learning opportunities, and alumni networking connections are all available to help you succeed.

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  1. Entrepreneurship Major

    Entrepreneurship Major

    Develop leadership skills that prepare you to start your own business or become a project manager in a variety of businesses.

  2. Environmental Geoscience Major

    Environmental Geoscience Major

    ​This program is ideal for preparing you to enter the job market in geological/environmental consulting. It is also excellent for double majoring in environmental science.

  3. Environmental Planning & Management Major

    Environmental Planning & Management Major

    Concentrate your studies on the effects of humans on the environment and develop skills in planning and management of the environment.

  4. Environmental Science Major

    Environmental Science Major

    Become broadly-versed in the ecological, physical and human aspects of environmental science. A high degree of flexibility lets you adjust courses to your career goals.

  5. Environmental Studies Major

    Environmental Studies Major

    With topics like activism, literature, history, ethics, justice and sustainability, learn to be a new species of leader who can face issues peculiar to the 21st century world.

  6. ESL (English as a Second Language) Bridge Program

    ESL (English as a Second Language) Bridge Program

    Learn a lot more than English language skills. We will help you improve your study skills and understand American culture while you adjust to college life in the U.S.

  7. Expeditionary Studies Major

    Expeditionary Studies Major

    ​If you dream of adventure, want to lead others into adventure and discover things about yourself as you push to ever-increasing limits, then we can take you on your desired path.

  8. Finance Major

    Finance Major

    Prepare for employment in one of the fastest growing and highest paid career options available today. Jobs in finance are plentiful in both the public and private sectors.

  9. Fitness and Wellness Leadership Major

    Fitness and Wellness Leadership Major

    Gain the knowledge and experience as well as business, management and clinical rotations to prepare for a career in the fitness and wellness industry.

  10. Gender and Women’s Studies Major

    Gender and Women’s Studies Major

    Challenging courses combine with accomplished accessible faculty, opportunities to get involved in creating significant events and research projects.

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